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Home LextEdit Features Component Lookup

Component Lookup

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The Component Lookup window is a quick and easy way to display a Moca Command.  As you type in the Command Name window InteliPrompting automatically populates a list of commands based on your input showing you the commands that are avaliable.  The Show Filter button displays the command names as you type in a grid showing the command name, the component level and a description if populated in the command.

Once a command is selected it will display the Component's Level, the type of command, Local Syntax or C function, show the command in the main text window and populate a grid showing the input arguments to the command.  Components that are C Functions display the contents of the C File that corresponds to the command if available.  When viewing Local Syntax components they can be formatted or you can right click in the main text window and "Open Command File" which will load the corresponding file.

Last Updated on Monday, 23 March 2009 23:43  


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