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Home LextEdit Features LextEdit Command Line Arguments

LextEdit Command Line Arguments

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LextEdit provides some very useful command line arguments that can save you time just but adding them to the windows shortcut.  You can configure it to always start at a certain position and size or you can have it log you in to a system.


-f Used to open a LextEdit window and load a specific file

-t defiines the type of system connection to make.  MSQL to connnect to a Moca based system or ODBC for a SQL database.

-a defines the I.P. address or the DNS name of a system to connect to.

-p the port number that the system can accessed on

-d the type of driver to use to connect to a file or system.

-c used in SQL connection to set Catalog or Database names.

-u a user name to be used at loging for a connection

-w a password to be used at login for a connection

-l sets window position information.


Example 1:

Adding "-t MSQL" as a command line argument will automatically open the "Connection Information" dialog to the "Moca Servers" tab when LextEdit is started.

Example 2:

Adding "-l 0,75,880,920" would always create the window at a position of 0 pixels from the left size of the screen,75 pixels down from the top with a size of 880 wide by 920 tall.

Example 3:

Adding "-a -p 811 -t MSQL -u SUPERVISOR -w SUPERVISOR01" will log in to a MSQL connection at on port 811 for the Supervisor user.


Last Updated on Monday, 23 March 2009 23:42  


LextEdit makes it easy to support your business needs, allowing you to get at the information you need in minutes. Whether you want quick, easy access to Trace information or robust development tools, LextEdit has the added functionality when you need it.